G'day mates!
Second P-day already! How did that happen??
I feel more like a real missionary this week! We've done more tracting and teaching real lessons!
Tracting is terrifying. Just knocking on strangers' doors and talking to them is sooooo scary. A lot of times people are nice, but they hardly ever want to meet with us. But we always leave them with a pamphlet or a pass along card with our number and hope for the best!
We started teaching Mimi, our new investigator, this week! She and her family are from Sudan, and their whole family is absolutely gorgeous. We came over on Tuesday to help her clean for her inspections and she was just so happy to see us! When we came back later in the week to teach her, she opened up to us about her strong belief in God and her hard life in Sudan. She told us that she had been praying to find friends in Australia, and then the missionaries knocked on her door!! We told her that we're sent to her by God to be her friends and to help her! I can't wait to watch her grow and progress.
We also worked on contacting some of the many, many less actives in our ward as well as former investigators. We came across Ayan, who is a former investigator, and is also from Sudan. She totally welcomed us in and fed us lunch and let us pray with her and her kids! She told us that the elders who used to teach her just left without saying goodbye, so we don't really know what happened with them. But she seems really keen on having us back in her home, so hopefully we'll get to teach her more too!
We did exchanges with the sister training leaders this week. I went out with Sister Williams, who is also from Utah. We drove out to the very edge of our area to visit a sister in Sister Williams' ward, and it was like being out in the outback! We drove on dirt roads and saw tons of horses! We also spent a lot of time finding, so we just walked around neighborhoods and talked to people who were outside. Gosh, that was also really scary. I'm not very good at thinking of things to talk to people about, let alone start talking to them about the gospel! But I'm working on being bold and just opening my mouth and trusting that the Lord will fill it. I'm also making a list of things to say to people in case I panic and my mind goes blank like it usually does when I try talking to strangers.
I remembered my camera today so I can finally send pictures!! The top one is my last meal of Cafe Rio for a year and a half :'( and the bottom one is me and my companion, Sister Leota, at the Melbourne temple!
I love you all heaps!!
xoxoxox Sister Larsen